
Thursday, 20 October 2016

losehina poems

Walt: write a poem using nouns, verbs, and adjectives.

My teacher had gave us a task to do, it was a poems. We had to do this task because we haven't did poems this year it got so interesting. We got to make up poems of our choice, it was fun because we got learn new thing about poem like Nouns.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Monday, 19 September 2016

losehina family fact

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.

losehina family fact

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.


Wednesday, 14 September 2016

losehina supplements

Losehina making tidy ten

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.

Monday, 5 September 2016

losehina pick a path writing

Well Christina was talking to her friends Mr Goodwin got a headache because it was so loud when he yelled stop everybody freeze into a Stature and he said can you comedown for a minute so they did.

When  Christina dad went work they had a big humongous problem there was people turning into vampires inside the hospital because there pills must of got old so then the vampire started shaking. Christina dad had to speed of and get Christina from school also the mum and the 4 kids they had to go somewhere safe. Before they leave they have to find a house to be in also to be safe.

The next day Christina woke up in the morning she was so cold and freezing outside but it was sunny when Christina got dress she looked outside and saw the vampires she saw a newspaper right in front of her so she picked it up it said that when you throw water on them they will die. Christina woke up her parent she said that she had a good idea that they should tell the prime minister to get a pilot to drive the helicopter to drag the bucket and turn it over to splash it onto the vampires on a Monday.   

The next day was the time to kill all the vampires with water they have to get a big bucket of water and splash it all around the vampires. The vampires was so frighten and scared also they deserve that.

Yesterday was a bad day but today we have to glen up and build more houses and make the people come back alive with water they want people to be alive so they can help clean up.


Wednesday, 31 August 2016

losehina Math problem solving

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.

Friday, 26 August 2016

losehina math problem solving

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Losehina problem solving

WALT: use repeated addition to solve multiplication problems. WALT: use equal sharing to solve division problems. WALT: use repeated addition to solve division problems.

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

losehina sponsor

Hi this is my logo T.shirt it is a sponsor this pitcher his not my photo it is from google image.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

losehina math

comic book alien book

Walt.understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints.


this is a Arthur comic strip from a link on my class site to make a comic book about the aliens we use these charters because there was no aliens on Arthur.

Friday, 24 June 2016

angry bird star wars

Walt: find proof of the authors message. 


This game is very fun to play it is the right game for you to play.This for every one to come on and when ever they get from getting a game they can come along and have a very good look to get some ides.

setting description

Walt.write a setting description.


This task was a quick tasks do because only get 10 munut  to do in every one.

Monday, 20 June 2016

My Advice blog

Walt.find proof of the authors message

Task descriptions.

This is on my blog because when someone get stuck on angry bird star wars game and they don't know how to play then they can come and have a very good look in my Advice blog it is a cool advice blog for you to come on it has all the information in it about angry bird star wars.

Friday, 27 May 2016

comic strip


This is on my blog because i want to share it and if you need help you can come and have a look this is about a superhero that saves the his country to be alive. 

Walt.use onomatopoeia in our writing

Thursday, 19 May 2016

losehina super hero

Walt use images to tell a story


This is my super hero her name is Master Danger she saves people life's from danger this is on my blog to get some idea's from me only if you need help.  

My Advice blog

Walt Understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints.


This is my Advice blog this Advice blog is about a sunflower this is on my blog to share it with you and if you need help to grow a sunflower then you can have a good look at it that why it on my blog.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

comic book


i was learning about the sunflower to make a comic book i only get to use 3 page to make a comic book and we get to use the thought bubbles and speech bubbles to make a comic book.

Walt understand multiple perspectives and viewpoint.

Thursday, 12 May 2016

losehina comic book

WALT: understand multiple perspectives and viewpoints


This is my comic book from a school journal these are the charterers from the book but i have to use different charterers because it was from a Arthur.