
Wednesday 14 August 2019

Immersion Assembly

Immersion Assembly

On the first day of school we had an immersion assembly. When I first walked inside the hall it smelled like fresh seafood there was prawns,fish,john fish,kaha wai,muscles they all looked delicious. If you wanted to have some you would have to sit up and fold your legs and then they will ask you would you some if you didn’t want some then say no thanks and if you do want some say yes please.

Our theme was something in the water each team had to perform an item first it was team 1 there movie was about sofa it stand for solution for animal team 2 movie was about how you can’t feed bread to the ducks when there in the water but you only can feed them when their only out on the grass.

Then it was team 3 turn and there one was about moana trying to find someone to help her take care of the sea. Team 4 movie was about what was in the water and figuring what does it do. Then it came to team 5 they sang a song about what was in the cell it went a cell to a nucleus nucleus to a chromosome a chromosome to DNA DNA to a gene.

It was so fun and amazing here is some photos.

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