
Monday 7 December 2015

Losehina Volleyball


On monday morning mrs squires reading group went to the school hall to play volleyball when I walked in I saw a lady. I went to sit down so I can know her name then she started talking to us she said her name is liz then she explain to us what were we doing. Then we started liz said to run around the circle 2 times then she told us to stand in a circle again and we have to strege. Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it. I went to sit down so I can know her name then she started talking to us she said her name is liz then she explain to us what were we doing. Then we started liz said to run around the circle 2 times then she told us to stand in a circle again and we have to strege. Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it.

Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it.


Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it.


I went to sit down so I can know her name then she started talking to us she said her name is liz then she explain to us what were we doing. Then we started liz said to run around the circle 2 times then she told us to stand in a circle again and we have to strege. Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it.

Then we have to  get a partner so my partner was Jorelle we were standing quietly facing each other.liz said to put our hands as a dicker so she showed us how to do it.


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