
Tuesday 26 September 2017

Funny story starter

Screenshot 2017-09-25 at 6.31.52 PM.png

My mum was wondering if I was soo bored? So she told me to catch a train for a ride to the city and come back so I said ‘’yes’’.
In the train  I saw my honest uncle who finds buried treasure so I said where are you heading and he said  ‘’I'm going to the city to find a buried treasure” so I said if I can come along and he said”sure but if your mum allows you to come so I was like yeah sure she said because i'm heading to the city too.

When we got there my honest uncle  said that the buried treasure is underneath the sand at the beach. When we got to to the beach we sat on the sand to take a break but when I sat I found something hard at it had a cross I told my uncle and he said that it a sigh for a treasure. We were so happy when we pulled it out with a special key.

We hop back on the bus and my honest uncle gave me something special it was treasure my uncle said” that it was for me because he already has soo much.

I said goodbye to my uncle because it was pleasure for the treasure. I got home and I yelled mum I had a great time because I saw honest uncle on the train heading to the city and I asked him can I go along with him and guess what we found mum treasure.We have so much money mum it like we are famous I had a great time today thanks mum.


This writing was fun and it also a good story if only you like it. Story starter This is a link to it if only you have time to write a story and it will be fun and funny.

Walt: Use Scholastic story starters to write a creative story

Walt: Link my ideas between each paragraph

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